Road Mapping in Real-Time: Harnessing R, Python, and Shiny for Dynamic Visualization

ShinyConf 2024

Umair Durrani and Chris Lee


Chris Lee

Umair Durrani

Distracted driving is a problem

Distracted Driving in Ontario

Inattentive driving was a factor in 14% of all fatalities on Ontario roads in 2020.

Project Overview

Mitigating Distracted Driving based on Understanding of Drivers’ Personality, Motivational, and Mobile Phone Dependency Characteristics

Road Safety Research Partnership Program, Ministry of Transportation of Ontario.

Driving Simulator


Develop an app that:

  • a participant can use on a touchscreen laptop
  • is connected to the driving simulator
  • is able to play music
  • is able to use a map to navigate to destination

Final Product

{width: 600px}


R supports socket connections

But great documentation and support were available for Python socket module

Car position data in Python

import socket
import struct

UDP_IP = ""
UDP_PORT = 9000

sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) 
sock.bind((UDP_IP, UDP_PORT))

while True:
    data, addr = sock.recvfrom(1024) # buffer size is 1024 bytes
    fields = struct.unpack_from('=ddd', data)
    # (fields[1], fields[0]) represent (x, y) coordinates

How to send the car position data from driving simulator PC to the laptop?

No need to send the data to the laptop

  • Run the shiny app on a specific port from the driving simulator PC
shiny::runApp("dashboard.R", port = 4155, host ="")
  • Connect the laptop via an ethernet cable
  • Visit in the laptop browser


Data is in memory

Challenge: Capture the data in Python and use in R

Solution: Redis


Redis is an in-memory data store

Setting up Redis on Windows

  • Install WSL (Ubuntu) on Windows
  • Install redis server on Ubuntu

Capture the data from Python and push to Redis

import socket
import struct
import redis

UDP_IP = ""
UDP_PORT = 9000

# Connect to localhost on port 6379
r = redis.Redis(host=UDP_IP, port=6379, db=0)

sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) 
sock.bind((UDP_IP, UDP_PORT))

while True:
    data, addr = sock.recvfrom(1024) # buffer size is 1024 bytes
    fields = struct.unpack_from('=ddd', data)
    # Create a dataframe of 1 pair of coordinates
    d = {'ED_y': fields[0], 'ED_x': fields[1]}
    df = pd.DataFrame([d], columns=d.keys())
    # Push to redis data store with the name 'position'
    # Data is pushed onto the tail
    r.rpush('position', df.to_json(orient='records'))

Capture the data from Redis into R and display in Shiny


# Global------------------------------------------------------------------------

## Connect to redis database
R <- redux::hiredis()

## Load the road network

## Load the complex route
load(file = "data/pos_df.Rda")

## Load Music files
addResourcePath("Music", "Music")
audio_file1 <- "Music/l1.mp3"

# User Interface ---------------------------------------------------------------
ui <- dashboardPage(skin = "black", 
                    dashboardHeader(title = "Dashboard"),
                       menuItem("Music", tabName = "music", icon = icon("music")),
                       menuItem("Maps", tabName = "navigation", icon = icon("compass"))
                        # First tab content
                        tabItem(tabName = "navigation",
                                  tags$style(type="text/css", ".recalculating {opacity: 1.0;}"),
                                  column(width = 8, valueBoxOutput("text"),
                                         tags$style("#text {width:600px;}"), 
                                         tags$style(" { background-color: #ecf0f5 !important; color: #000000 !important; }")),
                                  column(width = 2, imageOutput("myImage"))
                        # Second tab content
                        tabItem(tabName = "music",
                                  tags$audio(src = audio_file1, type = "audio/mp3", autoplay = FALSE, controls = TRUE)

# Server -----------------------------------------------------------------------
server <- function(input, output, session) {
  ## Get the live position data every 0.005 s
  timer <- reactiveTimer(5)
  position <- reactive({
    popped <- R$RPOP("position")

  ## Plot
  output$plot1 <- renderPlot({
    ### Get the zoomed-in surroundings of the position
    xl1 <-  position()$ED_x - 500
    xl2 <-  position()$ED_x + 500
    yl1 <-  position()$ED_y - 300
    yl2 <-  position()$ED_y + 300
    ggplot() +
      geom_path(data = df,
                aes(x, -y,
                    group = interaction(elem_idx, path_idx)),
                color = "grey50") +
      geom_path(data = pos_df, mapping = aes(ED_x, ED_y),
                color="skyblue", size = 2, alpha = 0.6) +
      geom_point(data = position(),
                 aes(ED_x, ED_y),
                 fill = "#4285F4", 
                 color = "white", 
                 size = 5, 
                 stroke = 3) +
      coord_equal(    xlim = c(xl1, xl2),
                      ylim = c(yl1, yl2)) +
  ## Generate a message
  msg <- reactive({
    if (position()$ED_x > 31307 & position()$ED_x < 31392 & position()$ED_y > -4050 & position()$ED_y < -2925 ) {
      msg <- "Turn right at the next intersection"
    } else if (position()$ED_x > 34569.43 & position()$ED_x < 35314.04 & position()$ED_y < -2950 ) {
      msg <- "Turn left at the next intersection"
    } else if (position()$ED_x > 35936 & position()$ED_x <  36004 & position()$ED_y > 250.668 & position()$ED_y < 986.373 ) {
      msg <- "Turn right at the next intersection"
    } else if (position()$ED_x > 37620 & position()$ED_x < 38615 & position()$ED_y < 1160) {
      msg <- "Turn left at the next intersection"
    } else if (position()$ED_x > 39120 & position()$ED_x < 39336  & position()$ED_y > 908 & position()$ED_y < 2282.4727 ) {
      msg <- "Turn right at the next intersection"
    } else if (position()$ED_x > 39840 & position()$ED_x < 40603.00 & position()$ED_y > 2282 & position()$ED_y < 2363) {
      msg <- "Turn left at the next intersection"
    } else if (position()$ED_y > 5390 & position()$ED_y < 6261.8098) {
      msg <- "Turn left and park in the parking lot"
      } else {
      msg <- "Continue straight"
    # print(msg)
  ## Show the message
  output$text <- renderValueBox({
      value = div(tags$p(msg(), style = "font-size: 90%;"),
                  tags$p(paste0(position()$ED_x, ", ", position()$ED_y))),
      subtitle = "",
      color =  "yellow",
      width = NULL

  ## Show the image
  output$myImage <- renderImage({
    if (msg() %in% c("Turn right",
                     "Turn right at the next intersection")) {
        # Generate the PNG
        list(src = "turn_right.png",
             width = 100,
             height = 100)
    } else if (msg() %in% c("Turn left at the next intersection",
                            "Turn left",
                            "Turn left and park in the parking lot")) {
        # Generate the PNG
        list(src = "turn_left.png",
             width = 100,
             height = 100)
    } else {
        # Generate the PNG
        list(src = "continue.png",
             width = 100,
             height = 100)
  }, deleteFile=FALSE)

shinyApp(ui, server)


In Conclusion

Redis can be very useful if you need to access data from other R/Python processes to use in your Shiny app

References and Resources

Ministry of Transportation Ontario. 2020. “Preliminary 2020 Ontario Road Safety Annual Report Selected Statistics.”